Begadi - Shop Upgrade

<td style="background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; background-position: right;">On this page we would like to briefly introduce all new features and changes to the store.

Welcome to our new store!

The new shopping cart
The shopping cart can now be positioned according to your needs. If you would like to display it only briefly, click on "Shopping cart". If you prefer a continuous display while you are surfing, click on the "Arrow". This will fix the shopping cart on the right side of the store. With a click on the "X" it will be closed

Wrong article in the shopping cart or too few? No problem! With a click on the "bucket", an article can be removed immediately. If you want to change the quantity, enter the desired number behind "Quantity:" and click on update

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Language selection and currency:
Due to the strong growth of international customers, it is absofort possible to translate the store into different languages. For this we rely on a sophisticated AI integration, which translates the content "OnTheFly". Do you want to change the language? Click on "Language" in the header. A small submenu will open where you can set the desired language and currency.

Even though the current development of AI systems is very advanced, there may be minor translation errors and in case of high load, a short waiting time until the entire text has been translated. We apologize for this

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Design/Color Mode:
Some people prefer, especially in the evening time, a darker color scheme of the display. We would also like to support this with our new store. With a click on "Design" the color scheme of the store can be switched.

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Airsoft.Live (blog):
The biggest renewal is the integration of Airsoft.Live! With this blog we want to work even closer with our sponsored teams, field operators and review partners. You want to introduce your team or publish general news about the team?
No problem! Just write a short post in the appropriate category.

Spielfeld Betrteiber of the Begadi Feldsupport, are pleased about the new event calendar, in which all events and game days may be entered and are thus immediately available to many active players. We also thought about our national and international review partners! If you have a new review or other news about your channel or site, you can post it in Airsoft.Live / Reviews and it will appear directly on our homepage

With the "picture posts" you have another possibility to present your content extensively. Here you can enter up to 10 pictures daily around the topic Airsoft. The following categories are available to you: Event/Game - Equipment - Airsoft Weapon - Technique

We are looking forward to your contributions

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Team management for team leaders:
With the upgrade, we put team partnership management in the hands of team leaders. Remove members, add members, edit contact details, can be done by the team leader. From now on, the team leader is the sole contact for his team members

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Model Advisor:
With the current plethora of airsoft guns available, the decision can sometimes be difficult. In this case, we would like to give you a powerful tool with our model adv isor. With just a few clicks, you can specify the main features of the airsoft, such as length, weight and price. The model advisor will thenonly show youmodels that are suitable for you.

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Bonus points:
With the Begadi bonus system we would like to thank our customers for their loyalty. For every purchase at Begadi you will receive a fixed number of bonus points, the sum of which is relative to your purchase. In the checkout you later have the possibility to have these bonus points creditedas a discount / creditor to choose free items! You can choose for yourself whether you want to save up the points or use them regularly

Please note: In the event of a cancellation if you do not like the product or ordered the wrong product, the credited points for the respective product will be deducted from your account. If you have already redeemed points in the time until the return, a negative value is also possible

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Filter in categories:
Parallel to our new model advisor, additional filters have been integrated in the individual categories. About these the selection can be adapted to your needs

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Search function:
The search function has been revised and now sorts the relevant results much more accurately. If you would like to view and filter all search results, click on "Show all results"

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Mobile View:
Many adjustments and optimizations have been made to make browsing in mobile view easier. All functions of the store are also available on mobile devices.

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Layout & presentation:
The visual presentation of the store has been greatly loosened up. At the same time, we have retained the familiar structure, so you can still find the desired content as before.