Begadipitch partner
Begadipitch partner

Playingfields | Airsoftevents
Training Base Weeze GmbH
Flughafen-Ring 200 (Technology Park)
47652 Weeze

Tel.: 02389/950155

Fields: The Base, Main Area, Next Level, 5 Blocks
Permitted energy: Primary weapons 1.5J | pistols 1.2J | sniper/spring-action 1.8J (2.2J) | LMG/MG 0.5J
Price: from €25.00 for early bookers
Open: by appointment (Sun. 10:00 to 18:00)

Message from the operator:
Arrival is in civilian clothes. There are enough rooms available to get changed in comfort after registration.
If we catch participants arriving with "full gear" in the vehicle, they will go straight home. Permitted is: camouflage pants + civilian top (jacket, sweater etc.)

Flughafen-Ring 200 in 47652 Weeze and then follow the airsoft signs.

Reminder and information to the players:
Only organic BBs are allowed at our events! If you do not have organic BBs, deathrag/warning vest, goggles and/or face protection, please contact us on site.

10:00 Registration
10:20h Chronen
11:15 briefing
11:30h Start of the game
17:00h End of game
all participants have left the field by 18:00h

Pictures from the pitch: