Blog Beitrag - GAR Airsoft Galicia
GAR Airsoft Galicia - Team Presentation
Hi everyone!
¿What can we say about GAR Airsoft Galicia?
We are a team founded in July 2016 based in the province of A Coruña, in Galicia, a small autonomous community located in the northwest of Spain, known primarily for its constant rain and good gastronomic tradition. We have members scattered throughout the autonomous community, forming a diverse group that brings together players with different levels of experience in the hobby. From individuals with extensive experience in airsoft to newcomers to the hobby eager to learn.
We have played in many parts of Spain and Portugal, from casual Sunday games to milsim events. We love to venture out of our area to play, meet new people, and discover new fields. Currently, we are looking to expand our horizons, try out new fields, and play away from home. We believe that the journey itself is part of the fun, and in this team, post-game food is at least mandatory.
Another point we would like to discuss is our friend and founding member Yisus's mechanical workshop. Since he first picked up his replica in 2012, he has always sought ways to maximize their performance. Necessity turned into a virtue, a hobby within a hobby, and after many years of research on international forums, effort, and trial and error, Yisus has managed to set up a modest workshop aiming to get the most out of his friends' replicas.
If you want to see the adventures we have recently embarked on, you can visit our team profile on Instagram. We also have a Discord community where we gather to discuss the hobby and have sections where we discuss topics such as replicas, gear, milsim, or mechanics... The idea is to create a meeting point for chatting, sharing information from user experience, and contributing to the community.
Look what trouble we're in:
>Our team Discord server:
>Our Ig: @gar_airsoftgalicia
Thanks for reading, see you in the fields!
Team: GAR Airsoft Galicia
Autor: NaborL.